The Peach Festival pie contest starts at 11:00 am on August 16, 2025.
Peach Pie Contest Rules
1). Pie crust must be homemade.
(No graham cracker crust accepted)
2). Pies must be made with fresh peaches.
3). Peach pies only will be accepted.
(No cobblers, crisps, or cheesecakes accepted)
4). Pies will be judged on crust, appearance,
Taste and texture.
5). Only one pie per name may be entered in the
6). Pies and the entry forms entered in the
contest must be delivered to the MOT
Senior Center no later than 9:00 am
Saturday morning August 17, 2024.
7.) Please put your name and phone number on
the bottom of your pie plate.
8.) All pies entered in the contest become the
property of the MOT Senior Center.
Please call MOT Senior Center Phone # (302)-378-4758 for your entry form.