The Middletown Historical Society reserves the right to reject or dismiss any entry that violates the below-stated Rules and Regulations. Furthermore, we reserve the right to deny participation in the August 16, 2025 and/or FUTURE PARADES by groups ignoring and/or violating these Parade Rules and Regulations.
THROWING OF CANDY AND OR HANDOUTS: To avoid the risk of possible injury, the throwing of candy or any other item from a vehicle/means of conveyance is strictly prohibited. Any items you wish to distribute to the crowd MUST be handed out from someone walking alongside your entry. We do not want any children running into the streets in front of cars, horses & vehicles.
Due to the large amount of litter, Parade units are strictly prohibited from distributing Printed literature, Samples and ANY type of Paper flyer to parade spectators.
PERFORMANCES: Performances are limited to one performance per organization in front of the judges. If you have several groups, we encourage your groups to participate in the march & only one group will perform. The group that chooses to perform, will be given two minutes of performance time in front of our judges, performing at Cochran Square (at the intersection of Broad and Main Streets). The performing group will be the last group in your line up. You must be ready to perform when you reach the intersection. There will be no stopping for setting up.
Music should been given to the DJ as your group approaches the Judges. The CD should be clearly marked. DJ is located on the left side of the street next to the Main stage on Main Street.
Any performance groups that will be doing any type of stunts or acrobatics will need to provide matting. No Matting No Performance.
ENTRY: Only those entries registered will gain access to the parade. Any entry bringing excess vehicles not approved by the committee will be denied participation.
OF REFUSAL: The parade committee reserves the right of refusal to any entry
deemed offensive. No offensive signage, slogans on clothing or offensive
clothing in general will be allowed. The spirit of the parade is centered on
celebrating Peach History and it is not to be used for political, social, or
ideological venues.
FLOW OF THE LINE OF MARCH: Keep up with the unit in front of you at all times. Our goal is to get the entire parade out on the street in 40-50 minutes. Your cooperation will help. The Parade line-up is based on proper flow and movement of the Parade, staging space and safety.
SAFETY: Entries with children under the age of 18 must also have parents or other adult chaperones riding and or walking alongside who provide supervision. Applicants are required to ensure the safety of persons riding on the floats. Persons riding on floats or flatbed trucks must be seated if there are no protective restraints. Middletown Historical Society, and town of Middletown are not responsible for the safety of the float or the persons riding the float. The applicant is required to comply with all applicable laws to ensure everyone’s safety.
Participants on bicycles, scooters, skates, segways, skateboards, etc. must wear a helmet and proper safety equipment.
ANIMALS: Animals participating in the Parade must be kept under control. If you cannot control your animal or its presence presents any safety issue, please leave the Parade area with your animal rather than risk a problem. Entries involving animals of any kind must provide their own clean-up, or “pooper scooper” immediately following their entry.
No vehicles will be allowed to drop off inside the school area. Vehicle passes will be given to the cars and floats that will be participating in the parade to gain access. Sorry for the inconvenience. As the parade grows more and move each year, our safety will be our top priority.
LATE ARRIVAL: Those arriving late will be placed at the end of the parade.
Our lineup people are volunteering for this stressful job. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
By applying to participate in the Middletown Olde-Tyme Peach Festival Parade, all participants in that unit agree to abide by all the Parade Rules and Regulations. These rules and related information have been developed in the hope that the Parade will be fun, safe, patriotic, and a reflection of the Community we love so much.