2025 Parade Entry Applications Applications must be submitted no later than July 15, 2025.

One of the most visible parts of the Peach Festival is the Parade which begins Saturday, August 16, 2025, at 8:45 am Middletown Meredith Middle School and finishing at Silver Lake Elementary School. Please read the information below carefully and then fill out your entry form at the bottom of this page.  Applications must be submitted no later than July 15, 2025.

PARTICIPANT ARRIVAL TIME: All Floats to arrive at 7:00 am all other by 8:00 am.  Go directly to the volunteer.  They will direct you to Lot A, B or C and you will be told your number in the line-up.  Pay careful attention to who is in front of you and who is in back of you.

No vehicles will be allowed to drop off inside the school area. Vehicle passes will be given to the cars and floats that will be participating in the parade to gain access. Sorry for the inconvenience. As the parade grows more and move each year, our safety will be our top priority. 

PARADE START TIME:  The first unit will move at 8:45 am sharp.  No unit will proceed until the police department is in place and they have given the okay to start.

PARADE ENTRANTS GUIDELINES: 2025 Peach Festival Parade Guidelines

PERFORMING ENTRANTS: Please be sure to confirm that your group will be performing on your application.  Performances are limited to one performance per organization in front of the judges.  If you have several groups, we encourage your groups to participate in the march & only one group will perform.  The group that chooses to perform, will be given two minutes of performance time in front of our judges, performing at Cochran Square (at the intersection of Broad and Main Streets).  The performing group will be the last group in your line up.  You must be ready to perform when you reach the intersection.  There will be no stopping for setting up.  Music should been given to the DJ as your group approaches the Judges.  Your music  should be clearly marked (Flash drive or mobile devise).  DJ is located on the left side of the street next to the Main stage on Main Street.

Any performance groups that will be doing any type of stunts or acrobatics will need to provide matting.  No Matting No Performance.

Winners of trophies will be announced between 12:00 and 1:00 pm.  The trophies will be with the DJ and can be picked up there.  If you are unable to get your trophy the day of the event, we will try to reach you the following day.


  • Best of Show
  • Best Marching Unit (Non-Performing) – Adult
  • Best Marching Unit (Non-Performing) – Youth
  • Best Marching Unit (Performing) – Adult
  • Best Marching Unit (Performing) – Youth
  • Best Float
  • Best Antique Vehicle
  • Best Classic Vehicle


  • Originality
  • Showmanship
  • Crowd Appeal
  • Peach Theme

Winners will be announced at Cochran Square between 12:00 and 1:00pm.  Winners not present will be notified by phone or email.